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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spiritual satanism is very hard

Spiritual Satanism is very hard. I dedicated sometime before Halloween in 2012, so I'm still an under a year newbie. I have learned so much within this time but not enough.
My fiancé' dedicated February 4th, 2013 and met his guardian Demon a week after his dedication. His guardian is HAURES. (Hail HAURES!) he met his guardian so unbelievably fast because his third eye has been completely open since he as 11. He started seeing spirits, and people, and angels at age 11, almost right after his dad died that year. When he met HAURES it was at the Vol park. (Showse park in vermilion, Ohio) he seems to meet her and his dad at that park in his dreams a lot. I'm not exactly sure why things like this happen at that location. It's maybe a 5 minute walk from where we live now.
I'm so jealous I can't stand it. I'm emotionally, mentally, and spiritually stronger than him, yet I don't know anything about who my guardian is really. It helps that he can see demons easily if he tries, or sometimes without trying but still. I feel so lost.
Since I've dedicated I have felt that Beelzebub, Glaysa-Labolas, or Andras was my guardian. But as time has passed my feelings about who they might be have changed quite rapidly. At first I thought for sure Glasya-labolas was my guardian, I even tried to ask him and felt like it was a positive yes, but yet now I for sure feel like its Andras. Yet one time when my bf was in a fight with me, he was about to do something bad, and saw 3 or 4 demons circled around me looking at him very mad.

At first he said there were 3 girls and a guy, but recently he said it was 2 girls and a guy demon he saw around me that night. But why would 3 or 4 demons come to protect me?

I was and still would be surprised if even 1 demon came to help me.
But 3? Or 4?

I thought how could this be? How could I be worth that much protection?

I wish so bad to meet my guardian, and all the other demons.
I may not have gone as far in a past life as my BF did with his third eye. But my mind tells me I have had relationships with many Demons.

But how do I Know for sure? Could my mind be lying to me, or am I just a little too crazy like you hear about those SS that have fallen too deep into it, and start saying crazy things like my other was a demon and my father a human, and some other things I've read about how people have kinda lost themselves in this religion.

I love father Satan with all my heart. But everyday seems to get harder and harder.

I think I may have gone. Suicide in a past life, and that's why I think about it every once in a while when things don't go right.

I know life is made so hard on us so that we can be strong. I can tell you I am FUCKING strong in all ways (except physically, I'm a vegetarian and kinda weak lol) and everyone has told me I am one of the strongest people they know. Especially for a girl. I'm even more stable than my BF or most guys, yet I feel so weak. IM never good enough for me.

HAURES has told Mike that I was very important. I just wish I knew what for so I could go and start working my hardest on it, but I'm not sure yet.

I know I'm only 18 yars old, but it feels like its been forever and I've just been wasting my life. But it's so hard to do things like magick and meditation when they don't do much, then I feel worthless, and spiritually weak.

I have healed Mike a few times before. One of the best being recently this month, he had an asthma attack, and I healed him.

He said he has never had an asthma attack without having to go to the emergency room before.

That made me feel so strong. But not enough.

I just have to work harder. It just seems to hard and far away, and to have to balance that with trying to make money, and find a job since. I've been unemployed since my first job I quit back in December. And getting mike. A car, and us finding a house, getting married, and soon having Kellin, which is our first son, and first child. We have had many dreams about Kellin, and we now he will be our first. Spiritual satanism has to be one of the hardest things I've ever done. But Satan needs fighters right? And I sure make one hell of a good fighter. I will never give up on Satan. No matter what. I'd give up on myself before him. HAIL SATAN! HAIL HAURES! HAIL ANDRAS! HAIL GLASYA-LABOLAS! HAIL THE GODS OF DUAT!

Lucid dreaming. Awareness of dreams

Lucid Dreaming : Conscious Awareness of Your DreamsOne essential phase of sleep called the rapid-eye-movement (REM) phase is wheremost dreams occur. Humans and lab animals that have been deprived of REM sleepexhibit bizarre and often psychotic behavior. Researchers have found that your REMdream state is predominantly the alpha and theta brainwave states (4 to 7 cycles persecond and 7 to 14 cycles per second respectively).Dreams are ordinarily spontaneous and representative of subconscious meander-ings. They can also be a psychological release of tension. As far back as Biblicaltimes, dreams have symbolically carried meaning ("... and Pharaoh told them hisdream; but there was none that could interpret them unto Pharaoh." Gen. 41:8).Since dreams are often veiled in symbolism, it's important to record your dreams andperiodically review them to acquaint yourself with any interpretive parallelshappening in your life. After interpreting your own subconscious symbolism,dreams can open themselves up to a personal enjoyment instead of a perplexingexperience.The term lucid dreaming describes the experience of consciously recognizingduring a dream that you are dreaming. By involving your conscious awareness in asubconscious activity, you can learn to control the content of your dream and itscourse of action. The more mindful and fully conscious you are in your normalwaking state, the easier it will be for you to master the lucid dreaming state. Review“Exercise -- Mindfulness: Improving Your Conscious Awareness” to sharpen yourlucid dreaming state.Dreams to a lucid dreamer are more vivid than simple visualizations. Objects andpeople appear to be and feel solid, and the dreamer is often able to converseintelligently with his own dream characters. Lucid dreamers can create or eliminatecharacters and items within the dream by simply wanting to do so. In dreams, youcan even levitate or fly. So if you're ever in doubt of your dream state, try flying as atest.A Malaysian tribe called the Senoi revolves much of its culture around dreams. Atan early age, parents question their children closely about their dreams. The childrenare taught early how to control their dreams and to bring about beneficial outcomes.By consciously manipulating their subconscious dreams, the Senoi manifest positiveresults in the waking world and resolve their daily problems more readily.One technique to achieving a lucid dream state is to ask yourself the question, "Is this a dream?" or "Am I dreaming?" 10 to 20 times just before falling asleep. Theconscious repetitiveness of the question will eventually be submerged into thesubconscious dream state. Reflecting cognitively upon such a question in the dreamstate will result in some form of conscious intervention and awareness, and hence alucid dream state will be achieved.As a variation of the former method, simply count and affirm just before retiring,"I am dreaming, One" -- "I am dreaming, Two" and so on. Attending to the countingprocess keeps your conscious awareness vigilant to what you intend to do. For thosepeople who tend to fall asleep rapidly, this method can have you counting straightinto dreamland.Another method is to reiterate over and over to yourself just before going to sleep,"I am going to sleep now. I know that I will be dreaming. I will recognize that I amdreaming when I am dreaming. Tonight, I will be consciously aware of my dream. Iwill remember what I dream in full conscious detail."You can also use a stimulus response link. For instance just before going tosleep, look at your hand while reiterating to yourself over and over, "When I see myhand in my dream, I will know I am dreaming." One researcher used with greatsuccess a mild electric shock to signal subject dreamers they were dreaming.Any of these techniques may initiate a flood of colors, images, sounds andthoughts. If you begin thinking in abstract ways, it usually indicates the right brain istaking over and the left brain is becoming idle. Just continue observing and thesounds and images will eventually evolve into a 3-dimensional dream that you canconsciously explore, change and learn from.For recurring nightmares or fearful dreams, intensely visualize yourself actively ina more preferred scenario just before falling asleep. Imagine yourself initiatingactions in the manner that is most beneficial to you so that the stage is set for thesubconscious to rerun the same play in your favor. Combine your visualization withthe suggestion that you are in control of your dream and that there is nothing to fear.Eventually your imagery process will merge into a dream process and positive resultswill be achieved.Using the above techniques will produce an ability to achieve lucid dreaming in 4to 5 weeks or less. After achieving a lucid dream state, act only as a casual observerat first or the condition might quickly dissipate into wakefulness. Slowly integrateinto your dreams volitional control and alterations, and soon full dream mastery willbe achieved. If you avoid whimsical notions, you can design purposeful meaning toyour dreams and achieve in the dream state that which you want in the real world. Ifyou want positive episodes to happen in the real world, you can now create dreamsabout them first.Since many remembered dreams are recollections of astral travel (esp. flyingdreams), learning lucid dreaming can also be important in learning how toconsciously remember and participate in astral journeys.There is a right to left brain shift during the night after 45 minutes; then a left toright shift after another 45 minutes. Consequently, every 90 minutes, there is a stormof neuronal activity in the right brain as it goes into its REM dream cycle for severalminutes. Not surprisingly, the same brain cycle follows throughout the day as well.Ever notice how sometimes you're more prone to daydreaming while reading thanat other times? Daydreaming often occurs spontaneously throughout the day and isalso subconsciously oriented. This “in the back of the mind” imaging sometimesguides your thought patterns toward a preoccupation into negative thinking. Sincedaydreams are more easily interrupted, practice observing them when they occur.Then interject your conscious influence over the flow and outcome of the daydreamsby directing them into a more positive result.If daydreams are too elusive to manage, begin with conjured up visualizations thatyou can create for yourself. Devise an imagined script and story and produce yourown inner plays. You can also take advantage of the 45-minute brain shift cycle bypracticing your visualization exercises during right brain period. Research has shownthat lucid dreamers are more likely than non-lucid dreamers to have dreams that arepositive, successful or filled with good fortune. It makes sense, doesn't it? If youcan control the flow and outcome of your dream, why would you want a negativedream?

Friday, March 29, 2013

Jew problem, and how Satan is our creator god

Well, I dream of being a millionaire. Don't we all? Well unless your a famous singer or actress, an inventor, or developed one of those so called free marketing systems, then your probably not a millionaire. Ya see, if there weren't so many greedy Jews, we could have all had thousands of dollars. That's why Jews were banned from almost every country in the world.Except the US. I'm not a racist person, sure there are like able and great Jews out there. I'm talking about the bad ones. The ones that actually have taken part in the earthly corruption. Which there are a lot more of than you think.Most of the information on how they wrecked our economy and self confidence, and our rights is not so easy to find now because of all the corrupted and wrongly revised books, and articles there are in the world.Why is it that the US seems to except trouble?With the job stealing immigrants, the Jews that take part in the government that subliminally promote things such as teen pregnancy, drugs, and shootings. And we all know that's true. I mean there's like a new shooting everyday now. It never used to be like that. And we promote teen pregnancy for another way for them greedy people to make money. Ever heard of teen mom, or 16 and pregnant?Did you notice how after that it seemed to have become a national trend?People act like its cool to get pregnant young, ruin there lives and their babies, and to be a single mom.Having a baby is the most wonderful experience you could have in your life, but nowadays there seems to be more pregnant teens than adults.Have you also ever noticed that many murderers, crazy people, animal abusers, druggies, alcoholics, etc. are heavy Christians, popes, or priests?That's because of that piece of shit bible.It's the FAKEST thing known to man, yet so many innocent people fall for it, usually because their parents did.I mean even half the people I've met in my life that were xians have less bible knowledge than I do. And I'm a spiritual satanist.These people preach things they don't even know about.They believe what they are told, and don't seem to even think about it for themselves.I mean the most obvious bad thing about the bile is that is a big fat lie, and hypocritical.The 7 deadly sins? -_- were all committed many times in that fake book.As well as rape, cannibalism, animal abuse, and so many other bad things.And most people in this world don't have any control over themselves whatsoever.They get subliminally influenced by such things more and more everyday and then bad things all over the world happen.You will never in your ENTIRE LIFE hear a story about a spiritual satanist doing any of these things.Why? Because unlike most of this planet, we are HUMAN LOVERS. I mean Satan is the one that said "hey let's not kill these human we created through genetic engineering with the help of primates for mining, even though the project is done." Because Satan saw something in us. That reminded him of himself and the other Gods. But the other side. Ya know Gabriel and all them human hating back stabbing Christians and angels. Said "hey man, I don't want these dumb humans having the knowledge we do, or be able to have spiritual powers, and magick ability, clairvoyance, or money like we do. We want it all too ourselves. We need to kill them."Satan didn't think that was very nice, and neither did BEEZLEBUB, ASTAROTH, AZAZEL, or any of the other 72 Goetic Demons, who were on Satan's side.So we have the generous against the greedy here. And of course the made up "God" side won the battle. At first. But Satan said within this decade that we have won the war.God never existed. Sure "Jesus" seemed to have but nobody should be praising this human hater.It's hilarious and extremely sad how many billions of people got it wrong. Just because some dumb book from some dumb Christian religion (which btw isn't even a real religion. Pagans were the first ever religion, xianity was just a bunch of things stolen from other religions and twisted). Would you like to tell me how "god" created the world if he wasn't even born until thousands of years later? Ya know b.c. Or whatever. And I'm sure nobody waits thousand of years to have a kid, plus he would've been dead by then. Plus, wtf is that abstinence shit about?Nobody tells people not do do that before marriage. For one thing, by the time you marry the person and find out they have a tiny wiener it's too late, plus WHO WOULD SAY SEX IS BAD? It cleans your chakras naturally, (that's why your so happy afterwards) plus its a NEED and nobody should ever deprive themselves of something so good for you. Same with masturbation. And depriving yourselves during lent, or only fish on Fridays or whatever.What the f is that shit? I mean whoever many people wrote this book were obviously on some mad acid or something. Because NOBODY thinks this way naturally.I mean wtf happens if you eat fish on Thursdays? Will you be struck dead? I think not.Btw "god" is only real astrally. He's an f-ing thought form. Cuz so many dumb asses gathered and did their little thought form meditations and created this person and gave him a face and whatnot.Nothing about him is real. Or human. In fact we are all aliens technically.We were brought here by other extra-terrestrials from another planet. Most likely Duat at the time. (No Duat is not some evil place underground,it's a planet in Orion's Belt. I mean have you ever seen flames or evil creatures crawl out of the earth? Of course not, that shit is on the surface level with us, but on an astral plane most can't see from all the corruption and lack of spiritual knowledge from all that Christian shit that's been ruining us from day one). And no these evils and horrible looking creatures and people with no eyes, etc. THESE ARE ANGELS.THEY ARE HUMONGOUS TRICKSTERS. I mean they have fooled you so far right?I mean has "god" ever REALLY answered your prayers? No. They either go unanswered or you just fixed the problem yourself, and some dumbo's think that Jesus did it.Sure there have been so called "miracles" that have happened on the xian side, but that is very rare and alien greys only grant such things rarely just to keep dumb people believing.Damn. People here now are like 1/100,000th as smart as we used to be back in the early years before "Christ". And that's a fact and everyone with a brain cell knows it.But most people don't care to learn. That's one of the many great traits about Satan's children.That we CRAVE knowledge, helping others, saving animals from abuse and torture, we care about the economy, we recycle, most of us are straight edge, and most of all WE CARE ABOUT OURSELVES AND OTHERS. And we empower ourselves spiritually, so that in this lifetime we can ascend to the afterlife or godhead, and not have to be reincarnated to live thought the same mistakes OVER AND OVER for eternity like other billions of people.I can feel the Demons are very happy that I share this knowledge with you, as I'm feeling their positive energy now. :) HAIL SATAN AND THE TODS OF DUAT!There is so much I could tell you but unfortunately cannot fit it all on one blog post.But the most important thing to tell you right now is that SATAN IS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL! He's not red with horns and a pitchfork. What do you live in a fairy tale? Well if you believe everything in the bible, then you probably are too corrupted to see the truth. But that's probably because those emotionless alien greys are feeding of your energy as you read this, and are blinding you from thinking for yourself.SATAN is BLONDE AND BLUE EYED, and amazing. Ill even add a picture of him. and this is the closest we can get to what he looks like right now.I cannot count on all my fingers and toes all the times Satan or my Guardian Demon has helped me right when I asked for it. Of course I offer things in return (I'm not a bitch) and to us and the demons/gods, there are no miracles, anything you can imagine is possible within an instant, it's just everyday stuff for them.And p.s. the "satanists" you know are either actually atheistic (laveyan satanists) or Christian satanist (those are the ones who believe in SATAN, but believe him to be red, horned and evil, and commit crimes that make SATAN look bad, like animal abuse, and self mutilation)We don't do that stuff because we love ourselves, the planet, the animals, and everyone else (that is willing to be helped or open minded) OH, AND SATAN LOVES GAY PEOPLE. that's right. A religion where everyone no matter race, previous belief, sexual orientation or anything else, you are accepted. There is no rejection. Hop on the roller coaster and enjoy the ride of life with us! There is no better knowledge than the knowledge Satan gives his children. It's the best choice I've ever made in my life. And same goes for my fiancé' and any other spiritual satanist you could ask. In a term you may understand better.... We are basically HIPPIES! Because of our love and connection to nature, other people, ourselves, animals, and spirituality.In time, we also find out who we were in past lives, how to heal ourselves and others (I've known other spiritual satanists that have been cured of cancer overnight, cars were lifted up into the air preventing a brother in SATAN from being hit, a sister had asked Satan to help her dying mother which almost instantly was recovered to full health, and even one brother IN THE MIDDLE OF HURRICANE KATRINA did not get one scratch, and the house was completely in 100% free of any damage, etc.) And I'm serious, the list of good things he gives us goes on and on forever. You can see it everyday on our yahoo groups. Joyofsatan666, teensforsatan, Jos4adults, etc.If your open minded and a human lover or animal lover like me (I'm a vegetarian) or want to know more, just check out our website created by one of our High Priestesses And another good one to spread the word about xian corruptions is HAIL SATAN! And may Satan bless you all!